aldehyde C-9, nonanal
Aroma Description:
waxy, aldehydic, rose, fresh, orris, orange_peel, fatty, peely1
aldehyde C-9, nonanal
Aroma Description:
waxy, aldehydic, rose, fresh, orris, orange_peel, fatty, peely
Dock Score: This is a measure of whether the algorithm thinks the odorant is an agonist of the receptor.
Affinity: The binding affinity, in kJ/mol, of the ligand docked in the active or inactive model, whichever is greater.
LSP: Ligand Surface Polarity, i.e. how much of the ligand's surface is hydrophilic.
LSRB: Ligand Surface Receptor Binding, i.e. how much of the ligand's surface interacts with receptor atoms.
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